Marlborough, MA, August 12, 2023. —Board Certified Hypnotists Marc Sacco, RN, BCH, OB and Roger Woods, RN, BCH, CI, OB, known as The Patient Whisperers, were inducted into the prestigious Order of Braid Council, the National Guild of Hypnotists’ (NGH) International Honor Society. The award was presented during the National Guild of Hypnotist’s (ngh.net) annual Convention held in Marlborough, MA August 11-13, 2023. Named after James Braid, who is regarded as the father of modern hypnosis, the Order of Braid designation is the centerpiece of the NGH Awards System and recognizes a lifetime of outstanding achievement, dedication, and service. Initials used for this designation are OB. Marc Sacco and Roger Woods were honored for their work in developing Verbal Medicine™, The Language of Healing which utilizes Hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), and the Nursing process to be “better at the bedside and happier at home”. They co-wrote the book Verbal Medicine on the subject and teach other healthcare professionals across the country how to use their techniques. The prestigious Order of Braid is an International Honor Society for the practice of hypnosis.

Ludlow, VT. 2018. —The Patient Whisperers Podcast goes live! Available on all the favorite podcast platforms.

New Haven, CT — Lecturing at Yale School of Nurse Anesthesia CRNA program.

Danbury, CT —Lecturing at WCSU Nursing dept.

New Fairfield, CT. 2018 —Verbal Medicine, The Language of Healing, co-written by Marc Sacco, RN, BCH, CRNH, OB and Roger Woods, RN, BCH, CI, CRNH, OB is now available on Amazon.

Marlborough, MA, August 12, 2018. — Our esteemed Fellow Hypnotists (Ron Eslinger and C. Scott Giles) learning Verbal Medicine techniques in our lecture at the NGH National Convention.

New York City, NY February 2015 —Where it all began… Roger and Marc took an NGH Certified Hypnotist course with instructor Mark Schwimmer and it changed their lives forever.