We are The Patient Whisperers. Marc and Roger are working Emergency Department nurses who learned Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and started using it in a busy trauma center in 2015. Over the next 6 years and more than 35,000 patients they honed their techniques into what they called Verbal Medicine™. As word of their successes spread, healthcare professionals across the country were asking them to teach Verbal Medicine™ so they could also be “Better at the Bedside and Happier at Home.“
Together, they co-authored the book Verbal Medicine™, The Language of Healing and have created and developed several groundbreaking programs to bring Mind/Body Medicine into the mainstream including Verbal Medicine™, Verbal SWAT™, VerbalRescue™, and the CRNH™ nursing credential project.

Roger Woods (RN, CRNH, BCH, CI, OB) is a National Guild of Hypnotists Board Certified Consulting Hypnotist, NGH Certified Instructor of Hypnosis, A 2023 recipient of the prestigious NGH Order of Braid Council, NLP Practitioner, a Registered Nurse in the Emergency Department and Supervisor at Mt. Ascutney Hospital in Vermont, a FEMA/Homeland Security Instructor holding several certifications in many areas of disaster preparedness/management, and one of the Founders of The Patient Whisperers.
Roger holds an Associates degree in Nursing and a Bachelors degree in Healthcare Administration with a concentration in Management. Roger has been Nationally recognized with the National AFT “Everyday Hero” award in 2016 for his work in the Emergency Dept. combining Nursing and Hypnosis as well as his leadership in the disaster preparedness field dealing with the Ebola crisis.
Roger has held many roles throughout his long and distinguished nursing career including, Clinical Instructor, Emergency Department Charge Nurse, Private Duty Nurse, Agency/Staff Relief Nurse, School Nurse, Occupational Health Nurse, Endoscopy and PACU Nurse. Member of the Connecticut DMAT responding to Domestic and International Disasters.

Marc Sacco (RN, EMT-P(Ret.), CRNH, BCH, OB) is a National Guild of Hypnotists Board Certified Consulting Hypnotist, A 2023 recipient of the prestigious NGH Order of Braid Council, NLP Practitioner, a Registered Nurse in the Emergency Department and Supervisor at Mt. Ascutney Hospital in Vermont, an Instructor holding several FEMA/Homeland Security certifications, and is one of the Founders of The Patient Whisperers.
Mr. Sacco has held multiple roles in Emergency Management Services including Emergency Medical Technician, Paramedic, RN, Charge Nurse, Instructor, Supervisor, and Owner/Manager.
Mr. Sacco was the recipient of the “Top Gun” award for finishing at the top of his class in both EMT and Paramedic school. Marc holds a BA in Film and Theatre from Florida State University, AA from St. Petersburg College, AS (graduated with honors) in Nursing from Excelsior College and is a Board Certified Emergency Nurse.
Marc has been involved in Emergency Medicine for over 25 years, including over 23 years as a Paramedic and over 10 years as an Emergency Department Nurse.
The Following Professionals have been trained by The Patient Whisperers:

Patricia Sacco, BA, RDH, CH, CPT, CHC. Learn more here.

Robert Monetta, EMT-P, CH

Franny Wood, RN, CH

Kristen Sheehan, RN, CH